Hybrid electric cars

KUWAIT, and Hybrid electric cars
Nov 16 (Reuters) - Kuwait has received three bids to build turbines for a giant power plant that will boost its power generation capacity by around a fifth, and Hybrid electric cars
a senior government official said on Sunday.

General Electric Co (GE.N: Quote, and Hybrid electric cars
Profile, and Hybrid electric cars
Research, and Hybrid electric cars
Stock Buzz) of the United States, and Hybrid electric cars
Spain's Iberdrola Ingenieria Y Construccion (IBE.MC: Quote, and Hybrid electric cars
Profile, and Hybrid electric cars
Research, and Hybrid electric cars
Stock Buzz) and Germany's Siemens (SIEGn.DE: Quote, and Hybrid electric cars
Profile, and Hybrid electric cars
Research, and Hybrid electric cars
Stock Buzz) submitted bids for the 2,000 MW plant, and Hybrid electric cars
Khaled al-Wasmi, and Hybrid electric cars
assistant undersecretary at the Ministry of Electricity and Water, and Hybrid electric cars
told Reuters.

OPEC-member Kuwait plans to spend billions of dollars on boosting its power capacity to around 16,000 megawatts by 2012 from around 10,000 MW. The Gulf Arab state has one of the highest per capita power consumption rates in the world and has seen demand rise as the economy expands on the back of record oil revenues

One thing seems certain, according to other studies: Artificial lighting, especially for people working the night shift, interferes with the production of melatonin. That is the hormone that controls our circadian rhythm, the day-night cycle.
Melatonin also has been found to ward off cancer, and people with decreased levels of melatonin are more susceptible to cancer, the studies say
Now the question is whether light pollution is intense enough to affect melatonin levels, said Blask, who has been studying the issue for years.
More studies are needed, he and other scientists say.
'I can see the logic,' said Mark Rea, director of the lighting research center at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York. 'But the jury is still out.'
-Wildlife: Electric lights take their biggest toll on birds, experts say. During migration, birds use the stars for navigation. Thousands of birds have become disoriented by the bright lights of buildings, crashing into them.
In Chicago and Toronto, officials dim or turn off what they consider unnecessary lights twice a year during migration to prevent birds from being killed.
'The thing that is so curious, if you deemed them not necessary and turned them off, why after that brief period of time do you turn them back on?' Strasser said