Golf carts electric

Some have been trying for months to land a job. Others are facing eviction. Here are a few excerpts from readers about their struggles. Lyra Solochek, and Golf carts electric
BayLink editor
I lost my job in October 2007 and was able to collect unemployment that has now expired. Unemployment barely covered a roof over my head which, and Golf carts electric
of course, and Golf carts electric
doesn't include electric, and Golf carts electric
water, and Golf carts electric
phone and food. My electric has been shut off and my water was just recently shut off this week. The next thing that's going to happen is I will get an eviction notice on my door. The only thing right now that's keeping me going are my four dogs. I have worked since I was 16 years old but now can't even get a maintenance job! Every time I call a social service for help they never have any funding available. I'm so scared for me and my dogs because I don't see a light at the end of this tunnel I'm in!
Kathy, and Golf carts electric
45, and Golf carts electric

I am a well-educated male with two bachelor's degrees and an MBA along with enough college credits for an associate's in IT

Problems with no solutions
As of the end of October, 20,402 Lane County households were enrolled in various emergency basic needs and family stabilization programs a 19 percent increase over two years, according to county data.
And the constant jangling of phones reminds harried nonprofit workers that at the end of every line theres yet another person who cant make their mortgage or rent payment this month. Many dont have enough for their electric bill. Others cant see their way through.
Across the board, county agencies are reporting that demand is up by at least a third, but some, particularly in the housing services, are seeing more.
Calls to ShelterCares Homelessness Prevention Line have doubled in six months, while St. Vincent de Paul has had more than 700 calls for its $10,000 in available rent, utility and other assistance at the beginning of every month.
Before, if St. Vincents was unable to give a family financial aid, they would at least get a food box or other in-kind help, St