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The WHE is able to convert wasted heat from sources such as ovens, and Cheap electric bikes
furnaces and engine exhaust into mechanical energy and electricity. This process of cogeneration -- also called combined heat and power (CHP) -- can result in substantial savings to the end user and help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The WHE is capable of producing up to 16HP through its 6-cylinder radial design, and Cheap electric bikes
but weighs a mere 18 lbs and is only 14 inches in diameter.
The WHE can also run on heat obtained from renewable fuel sources such as solar energy. Cyclone believes that the WHE will be able to deliver solar electric to consumers at a price more economically viable than current systems. This is accomplished in part by using cost-effective solar thermal collectors (reflective troughs) to produce steam, and Cheap electric bikes
rather than expensive silicon-based photovoltaic arrays.
'With the filing of this patent application, and Cheap electric bikes
we intend to push full-steam ahead into the commercial markets,' stated Cyclone's COO Frankie Fruge

ources inform ''Globes'' that the first Better Place electric car will arrive in Israel in the coming weeks, with an additional shipment due at the end of January. The cars are currently being assembled in the US on the basis of an existing model, probably one made by Nissan, and are due to undergo standardization testing in Israel.
Better Place founder Shay Agassi is expected to unveil further details about the venture in the CBS news magazine '60 Minutes,' which is airing a documentary series entitled 'The Race for the Electric Car.'

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news - - on November 16, 2008
Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2008